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Quietly on By **
Frank V. Ross, 2005
@ IFC Center

Ross directs Anthony Baker in another awesomely physical role. Baker plays Aaron, a twentysomething guy who lives at home, working hard and saving up money until there is a nervous breakdown (the point at which the film begins) and he just starts sitting around the house. Aaron is that guy who you hang out with but nobody really likes. He never has anything else to do, and as such always overstays his welcome, pushing people to the limit, even though he can't always see that's what he's doing. I was squirming in my seat much of the time, as it can be grueling to watch a mostly harmless guy constantly condescended to, and filled with so much self-loathing.

Ross, who's in Joe Swanberg's Young American Bodies, says he'll be starring in his next film, though he didn't reveal any details beyond that.

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Watched on 9/04/2007


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