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Hot Fuzz *
Edgar Wright, 2007
@ home on DVD

So, this was fun but I don't imagine I'll ever need to watch it again. I was pretty interested until Simon Pegg's character discovers the dark secret of the NWA. To me it felt like from that point forward Edgar Wright, who could have gambled by attempting to make a truly great cop movie, decided to cash in and go the easy route, by making the ultimate cop movie. Which was kind of weird, considering it was at least part splatterfest, though maybe that's just his own thing. Maybe this worked better in Shaun of the Dead because the genre he's deconstructing/memorializing there is in many ways just as outlandish as his own film. On the other hand, the best cop movies tend to maintain a certain sobriety. Maybe I've just been spoiled by the Hong Kong and Korean films I've been seeing lately, cf esp. Bong Joon-ho's Memories of Murder.

See also: IMDb | Metacritic

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Watched on 10/23/2007


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