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Lawrence of Arabia **
David Lean, 1962
@ Cinerama

Claude Rains is the only great performance here, as in Casablanca. I didn't recall Lawrence being so utterly empty, but he seems like a man in search of himself, eventually finding nothing. At the beginning he seems eccentric, then he acquires some bloodlust, and by the end he's confused and ruined.

I thought I remembered liking this more, but I don't know. There's little more boring than a movie about soldiers who are always deadly serious about war and themselves. Of course, most serious types attempt to convince that they've got a sense of humor, but then they've got to remind you that they've just told a joke, because you neither laughed nor realized you were expected to.

The suggestion runs throughout that war, if it could be separated from politics somehow, might be the noblest human pursuit. I think from there you can extrapolate most everything, good and bad, about the film.

See also: IMDb | TCMDb

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Watched on 3/25/2008


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