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Indiana Jones 4
Steven Spielberg
@ Cinerama

There's definitely a point to be made about Harrison Ford's somewhat humorless performance here, although it works when he's playing against Shia LaBeouf. The look of the film though, was gross. Supposedly CG effects weren't heavily used, but there seemed to be a kind nostalgic sheen on everything that looked just a little fake, and a lot of the backgrounds had the look of Lucas' digitally generated sets for the Star Wars prequels. Very distracting when all I wanted was some grit and grime.

I'm considering among a few different projects trying to watch all the Spielberg I've missed over the years (basically all of it) to figure out just why he's so highly lauded, at least among certain people for certain traits. Currently I classify him along with Scorsese and Coppola (and maybe others) under 70's "mavericks" that I find almost entirely uninteresting, although at least Scorsese is one of the few most important and influential cinephiles of his time.

See also: IMDb | Metacritic

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Watched on 6/21/2008


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