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Masculine Feminine ***
Jean-Luc Godard, 1966
@ SIFF Cinema

I think maybe I just like Shia LaBeouf because perhaps excepting the curly hair he looks so much like Jean-Pierre Leaud, and how nice when I'm watching a slightly dull Hollywood film (or reruns on the Disney channel) to be reminded of Stolen Kisses, Last Tango in Paris, La Chinoise, or this.

Hard to tell at times if the backward sexual politics are satirical or unintentionally funny. Highpoints: the graffiti scenes, Paul's "record," and certainly his race to the projection room to complain about an incorrect aspect ratio at the movie theater.

The more Godard I watch the less confusing any one of the films becomes. Because you can more easily identify the quirks, making connections between films, and his bag of tricks all cohere into something resembling a comprehensible style, engaging rather than imposing or just weird.

See also: IMDb

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Watched on 8/19/2008


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